Formal informal non formal education
Formal informal non formal education

formal informal non formal education formal informal non formal education

The following definitions (Middleton, 2018) help, This briefing, therefore, particularly explores this and clarifies learning in terms of formal and non-formal spaces breaking down the latter. Informal learning space has many meanings, and this causes confusion and ultimately makes it difficult to think about what good joined up conceptions of learning space look like. Learning space is usually described as being either formal or informal. What are formal and non-formal learning spaces? Non-formal learning therefore gives some flexibility between formal and informal learning, which must be strictly defined to be operational, by being mutually exclusive, and avoid overlap.This briefing introduces ideas about the relationship between formal and non-formal learning spaces and explains why this is important to student-centred teaching practice. In some countries, the entire sector of adult learning falls under non-formal learning in others, most adult learning is formal. The advantage of the intermediate concept lies in the fact that such learning may occur at the initiative of the individual but also happens as a by-product of more organised activities, whether or not the activities themselves have learning objectives. Nevertheless, for the majority of authors, it seems clear that non-formal learning is rather organised and can have learning objectives. Mid-way between the first two, non-formal learning is the concept on which there is the least consensus, which is not to say that there is consensus on the other two, simply that the wide variety of approaches in this case makes consensus even more difficult. Policy-makers in many OECD countries, and beyond, are therefore trying to develop strategies to use all the skills, knowledge and competences – wherever they come from – individuals may have at a time when countries are striving to reap the benefits of economic growth, global competitiveness and population development. It is an approach whose importance may now be clearer than ever and non-formal and informal learning outcomes are viewed as having significant value. The concept of “from cradle to grave” includes formal, non-formal, and informal learning. The approach has been endorsed by ministers of labour, ministers of social affairs and the OECD Council at ministerial level. In 1996, the OECD education ministers agreed to develop strategies for “lifelong learning for all”. Most research has focused on learning outcomes from formal education and training, instead of embracing all types of learning outcomes allowing visibility and portability of such outcomes in the lifelong learning system, in the labour market or in the community. Until this OECD activity on the recognition of non-formal and informal learning involving 23 countries on 5 continents, it has also been under-researched (see also ongoing EU work). However, learning that occurs outside the formal learning system is not well understood, made visible or, probably as a consequence, appropriately valued. For people outside the initial education and training system, adults in particular, it is very likely that this learning, taking place at home, at the workplace or elsewhere, is a lot more important, relevant and significant than the kind of learning that occurs in formal settings. Not a single day goes by that does not lead to additional skills, knowledge and/or competences for all individuals. People are constantly learning everywhere and at all times. See also Recognition of Non-formal and Informal: Learning Pointers for policy development.Now available: Recognising Non-Formal and Informal Learning: Outcomes, Policies and Practices Green growth and sustainable development.

Formal informal non formal education